Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Haiku Minesweeper update and a theme for BeMines

Since my original mockups there's been at least some progress on Minesweeper in general. It's been added to the HaikuArchives at least.

A new ticket has been created on the github repo version referring to my old ticket on trac discussing my ideas for the Haiku style enhancements.

Let's have a look at the updated style work I've done recently, including a preview of both the new icons I've created, and the couple from Zumi's excellent icon collection that I'd like to use in the app.

The emoticons and clock icon are from Zumi's collection and the rest were created by me.

While I was at it, I also created a similar theme based on that style for Darkwyrm's BeMines. This is just a bitmap based theme based on the mockups work I was doing for the actual Minesweeper style work.

While I was working on that theme I noticed an interesting bug in BeMines... two related bugs actually. First, the game finishes when all flags are placed, not when all tiles are cleared as in the Windows version I'm familiar with. This allows instances where you can basically cheat by guessing flag placements in a few final squares where you might otherwise be forced to guess at clearing a tile at the risk of hitting a mine. This leads to another side effect bug where clearing every tile except the mine location doesn't finish the map. You have to manually place the final flag to finish the map, again unlike the Windows version I'm familiar with, and unlike the Haiku Minesweeper version at the top of this post which functions exactly as I recall in the Windows version.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Visualization of Haiku git repository activity - January 8th, 2015 update

Here is another update of the Haiku git repository Gource visualization. The last one I did of this was well over 2 years ago, and I've been meaning to do a new and improved one ever since.

For convenience I'll include the full description here;

Visualization of activity on the Haiku OS git repository done with Gource.

I used a combination of the Gravatar script ( ) and some custom done icons for some of the users, replaced the default user icon with a modified "People" icon from Haiku, dropped in the Haiku logo, and did a number of other tweaks.

Command line:

gource --load-config gource.cfg -r 25 -o gource.ppm

Encoding line:

ffmpeg -y -i audio.mp3 -vcodec ppm -r 88 -f image2pipe -i gource.ppm -vcodec mpeg4 -r 29.97 -preset veryslow -q:v 1 -threads 8 -b:v 10000k -bf 0 -comp_duration 204 -ac 2 -acodec copy gource.mp4

Config file:


font-size=24 font-colour=ff7600
logo=HAIKU logo - white on transparent - small.png

As you might notice, I did this one in full 1080p this time around and the video quality came out far better.

The music in the video is from "Flight of the Bumblebee", which seemed perfectly fitting to the frenetic pace of the development shown in the video.