Thursday, July 19, 2012

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

And so I begin a new blog.

I've been using Haiku a little on and off over the past several years as a fun little side hobby, but recently I've started to feel like it's getting much closer to being able to be a full time desktop. It already is for a number of people.

So I've been using it more often... and in doing so I've noticed lots of little things that I would like to work on, or that I have thoughts about... and some that I just don't like, or would do differently etc.

All of this led me to this blog; a place where I can put together all these ideas in my head for later reference, to point others to to help explain a point I might be trying to make, and so forth.

I will probably only be posting on here once in a great while when I run across some new issue that I feel really deserves some extra attention, either for myself or others.


  1. Hi Justin,
    can you provide a link to "Qupzilla9" icon? :-)
    Looks very nice and has Haiku style!


  2. Try this: Qupzilla9 HVIF icon.

    I had planned on making a full Haiku theme for Qupzilla and releasing the icon as part of that when arfonzo did his next release. I've just never gotten around to doing the theme (I started, but didn't get very far.) ;)

  3. Im building (just now) the last available revision of Qupzilla (1.4.0) on Haiku ;-)
    If you wish, you can contact me on Google Plus :-)

  4. IIRC, the middle line of a haiku is supposed to have seven syllables, no? "journey toward elegance" would work fine it seems.

  5. Very nice work on the icon! If I am allowed one suggestion, I would try slightly darker outlines. The icon looks a bit too faint next to the other system icons.
