Friday, August 10, 2012

New red/green color blind friendly Pe icons

Well, for those who are red/green colorblind like I am at least. ;)

Since I started using Haiku this has always been an irritation to me and up until very recently I didn't even have a clue that the StyleEdit and Pe icons were actually different colors. I thought they were both yellow.

Only when I finally got fed up with confusing the two did I finally take a very close look in preparation to change the color and notice that the Pe icons were in fact green and not yellow.

Here's some of the description from a bug report I filed on the issue;

For people who have red/green deficient vision, the icons for StyleEdit and Pe are almost indistinguishable, especially at smaller sizes where the slight difference in the pencils becomes less pronounces and the overall color of the icon (from the paper) becomes the major visually distinguishing factor.

This is the most common form of color blindness, affecting from 7% to 10% of males.

These 2 links give you an idea how the icons look to color deficient folks. (For me the lightness/darkness is even less pronounced and the papers appear essentially identical.)

So to make a very clear differentiation, I redid both the color of the paper and the writing on the paper (borrowing from the XEmacs hvif icon).

More recently I started working on the Doom 3 source code here on Haiku and again got irritated by not being able to tell the file type icons apart, so I made up new icons for the different Pe filetypes using a variation on the main Pe application icon. So the little document papers have pseudo-code style writing on them instead of the plain lines of a normal text document.

Yes I know about the iodoom3 project. The problem for me was that the iodoom3 source currently is in much worse shape than the albertz repo. Albertz and others already did a lot of work to add things like FreeBSD support and clean up a lot of the numerous warnings in the code and generally make it a lot nicer to work with. So that is the code I decided to work with.

I then used the FileTypes application to drag and drop replace the icons for the main Pe file types.

Just drag the new icon onto the icon preview in the Icon box and it will replace that icon for the selected file type.

Once I'd done that, I could easily distinguish StyleEdit, Pe, and unassociated file types in Tracker and I was a very happy camper.

And last but not least, here are the actual HVIF Pe icons: Download

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